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We value a Maths curriculum that is inclusive, creative, engaging and fun. We aim for all children to have access to our curriculum and make progress in lessons. Our children are supported to develop the necessary skills to make them ‘deep thinkers’, acquiring Maths skills that can be recalled quickly and transferred and applied in different contexts. We want children to know the purpose behind their learning, to explore mathematical concepts and apply their knowledge to their everyday lives. 



We follow the ‘Can Do’ Maths scheme of learning, which focuses on developing, securing and deepening understanding.  This scheme includes the use of practical resources and iconic representations to support the learning and memorisation of mathematical concepts.  It breaks up the curriculum into small, manageable steps, with each lesson following a specific learning objective that builds upon previous learning and aims to be achievable for all.

Our Mathematics curriculum will provide many opportunities for children to develop confidence and fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value. The use of practical equipment such as concrete objects and measuring tools, will support the children to gain a deeper conceptual understanding before being challenged through tasks and questions to explain their reasoning and solve a range of problems. The models, images and procedures used throughout the school are consistent. 

Most children with additional needs are included in whole class lessons and teachers provide scaffolding and relevant support as necessary. 

Children in Years 1 and 2 will generally have a Maths lesson every morning for 40 minutes, where children are introduced to new concepts, with each lesson based around a specific learning objective.  Later in the day children will also participate in a 15 minute ‘Maths on Track’ session, which gives them the opportunity to re-visit and consolidate previous learning as well as to receive extra support to embed new skills. In Reception children participate in a short (15 minute) adult-led input to model new vocabulary and mathematical concepts.  They are also exposed to mathematics daily through planned, purposeful play activities and through a mixture of adult focused and child-initiated activities within the learning environment. 

Children’s progress and attainment is monitored regularly.


Most children are reaching the end of year expectations in terms of attainment and progress.  
Children are demonstrating a quick recall of facts and procedures. This includes the recollection of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.  
Children are developing and refining their Maths skills through well planned sequences of learning. They are able to independently tackle real life problems by applying their Maths knowledge and problem solving strategies.  
Children are able to explain and expand their answers using mathematical language  
and they are confident in using mathematical vocabulary.  
Children are enjoying mathematics and look forward to their lessons.  

