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Admissions/In-Year Transfers

Colebrook Infant School is an Academy which means the Governors of the school are responsible for their own admissions policy and arrangements.

To view our admissions policy, please click here.


Pupils will normally be admitted at the age of four in the September of the school year in which they reach their fifth birthday. Parents have the right to defer their child’s start date at school until the term after their child’s fifth birthday. A child must legally be in full-time education in the term following their fifth birthday.


Admissions and In-Year Procedures


Applications must be made through the Local Authority’s Coordinated scheme and all instructions and deadlines in the scheme should be adhered to by applicants.  Late applications are dealt with in accordance with the scheme procedures.  For information regarding admissions or transfers of schools within Swindon Borough Council area, please see the links below:-


Full details of the Local Authority Admissions arrangements can be found at:


Full details of the Local Authority In-Year Transfer arrangements can be found at:
