Through inclusive, high quality teaching, we develop the following essential characteristics of geographers:
By the end of the EYFS, children will be assessed against the Early Learning Goals (ELGs). For Understanding the World. These include:
- Describing their immediate environment, explaining some similarities and differences between life in this country and life in other countries.
- Drawing on knowledge from stories, non-fiction texts and (when appropriate) maps.
- Understanding some important processes and changes in the natural world around them, including the seasons and changing states of matter.
By the end of KS1 children will have:
- An excellent interest in Geography and a drive to explore more about the world around them.
- The ability to think critically using geographical knowledge and to confidently use geographical vocabulary
- The ability and confidence to apply their geographical knowledge and skills to everyday life and all other areas of the curriculum.
- The ability to reach clear conclusions and explain their findings;
- The desire to investigate places around the world as well as physical and human processes that interact to form our world and understand the effects of their actions on the environment.
- The whole of the National Curriculum is mapped out across EYFS and Key Stage 1 and is taught through half termly topics.
- Geography is not taught by every year group every half term.
- In EYFS, The Foundation Stage curriculum provides learning within the area “Understanding the World” which covers the following: People and Communities and The World.
- In KS1 Topics may have a Geography focal point, for example, “Where I Live”, focuses on Geography. Or, Geography may be taught as one element of a particular topic, for example Bonfire Night celebration, marking the anniversary of The Gunpowder Plot. The latter is taught through the Year 1 topic called ‘Remember When,’ Links are also made to study the four countries and capital cities of UK.
- Children will be equipped with geographical vocabulary, skills and knowledge that will enable them to be ready for the curriculum at Key Stage 2 and for life as an adult in the wider world.
- Children will be supported to make relevant links from Geography to other curriculum subjects, such as History and Science.
- As children move from EYFS through to Year 2, they develop a knowledge, respect, understanding and appreciation of their local area and are able to understand its place within the wider world. School trips provide relevant Geography focussed learning to enhance understanding.