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Celebration Assemblies Term 4

Friday 8th April

Mrs Cleary would like to celebrate Emily and Sienna for great methodical work in mathematics this week. Miss Jarvis would like to celebrate Austin for his enthusiasm with his writing and Elsie for great methodical work in mathematics this week. 




Friday 1st April

Mrs Cleary would like to celebrate Dominic and George for great mathematics this week using an empty number line. Miss Jarvis would like to celebrate Arthur and Sophia for great reading this week in Read, Write Inc. 



Friday 25th March

Mrs Cleary would like to celebrate Micky for always doing his homework and learning his weekly spellings and Jessica for being a kind, helpful girl during forest school. Miss Jarvis would like to celebrate Alice and Rudi for working hard on their story writing of Medusa. 



Friday 18th March

Mrs Cleary and Miss Jarvis would like to celebrate Emily O, Dominika, Genevieve and Gracie-May for their beautiful painting of Medusa. 




Friday 11th March 2022

This week, Mrs Cleary would like to celebrate Rudi for very detailed observational drawing and Mason for working really hard with his writing and Miss Jarvis would like to celebrate Eleanor for her great effort in maths, telling the time and Leo for very detailed observational drawing. 




Friday 4th March 2022

This week, Mrs Cleary would like to celebrate Rayan and Caitlin for producing a great piece of writing about Medusa and Miss Jarvis would like to celebrate Oaklee for using fantastic adjectives and Elidon for using his phonics in his writing. 

