Mrs Blackmore would like to celebrate Poppy for learning her lines for the school play and helping other children to remember their lines. Miss Kemble and Mrs Cleary would like to celebrate Cora for great listening and participation in Mathematics this week.
Miss Kemble and Mrs Cleary would like to celebrate Alana for doing such a great job at learning her lines for our Christmas production. Mrs Blackmore would like to celebrate Miles for making such improvements in his handwriting by practising at school and at home. Well done :)
Miss Kemble would like to celebrate Samuel for his effort and attitude towards new concepts in Maths, especially subtracting 9 and 19 on a 100 square. Mrs Blackmore would like to celebrate Esmae for her fantastic reading and phonics, the effort she is putting in at home is really showing. Well done Year 2!
Well done to Mia and Jenson who have had a fantastic week. Mrs Blackmore has been really impressed with Jenson's hard work in Maths - especially with all the new concepts in subtraction this week. Miss Kemble loved Mia's story in English which, as well as being very funny, used a range of story language. Great work both of you.
What a great start to Term 2. Miss Kemble would like to celebrate Spencer for his excellent attitude to learning. Mrs Blackmore would like to celebrate Avie for working hard on Maths at home - it is really making a difference to her confidence at school. Well done all of Year 2 for a fantastic first week back.