The year 2 teachers chose to celebrate Vanshdeep, Chloe and Sudip this week. Vanshdeep always listens carefully, retains information and works to his best ability. Chloe independently produced some great art work copying the work of Aboriginal artists. Sudip has been choosing to read his reading book at different times throughout the day and is now able to read it fluently.
Miss Kemble has chosen Caleb this week for his interesting contributions to our discussions about desert animals. He has shown real enthusiasm and great interest for our topic work. Mrs Cleary has chosen Aiden for his resilience during our skipping session. He was determined to learn to skip and despite finding it tricky, he wouldn't give up. Well done boys!
The year 2 teachers are celebrating Tabitha and Cora for their excellent attitude to work this week. Both girls have shown resilience in mathematics, persevering with tasks that they found tricky. Well done girls!
The Year 2 teachers are proud of Santi and Sam for their work in Science this week. They had to reason about why animals had been grouped together such as one group of animals had been put together because they all came out of eggs. Well done both of you!
Mrs Cleary and Miss Kemble chose Freya and Elsie for their excellent artwork this week. They both took great care with their collage and observational drawings.