At Colebrook our intent for all our children is to be attentive, responsive and respectful listeners. We support children to speak clearly, fluently and confidently in a range of situations using Standard English. Our aim is that all children will be able to read 44 graphemes in English language and learn specific strategies to help them remember common exception words. Our inclusive approach supports all children to read easily, fluently and with understanding. We want our children to explore books and foster a love of reading and a desire to read for pleasure and information. We intend for our children to acquire a wide range of vocabulary and use it with confidence. We want all children to be able to write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.
• Through good modelling of spoken English, children are encouraged to use grammatically correct speech
• English planning includes speaking, listening and drama
• Read Write Inc is followed for all teaching of phonics across the school, with daily, small group lessons.
• Reading books are fully decodable in foundation and KS1 matched to phonic ability and RWI scheme
• Guided reading sessions across the school within RWI lessons
• Whole class reading sessions across the school within RWI sessions
• A range of initiatives used to encourage children to read both at school and at home. Children are awarded certificates and small prizes for every 25 reads accomplished.
• Quality texts (including film) used for the teaching of reading and writing
Reading spine with age related books and variety or genre read daily to the children in all year groups.
• English units are planned with a clear build up to writing with a focus on skills included in year group assessment sheets
• Most children are reaching the end of year expectations in terms of attainment and progress
• End of KS1 results are generally in line with national data
• By the end of year 2, children are able to apply phonic knowledge automatically when reading longer and less familiar texts
• Children use a wide range of vocabulary in speech and writing
•Children talk enthusiastically about books and read regularly for pleasure and information
• Children can show their understanding of what they have read through answering a variety of comprehension questions verbally and written
• Children are able to write effectively using grammatically correct sentences for a range of purposes using year group relevant skills